differences between philosophis and contexts of Revolution
Kant, RousseauAbstract
The present work focuses on the philosophies of Kant and Rousseau, specifically how these two forms of thought relate to the revolutionary contexts in which they were embedded. The primary inquiry of the study revolves around understanding the context of these philosophies, considering the breadth of the Enlightenment movement in modernity. Therefore, despite their similarities, Kant and Rousseau do not share the same view of the State and consequently do not arrive at the same outcome. The work begins by explaining how the Western world transitioned from the medieval era to the Modern Age. It then proceeds to present how Rousseau formulated his theory of contractualism. Following that, the same theory is presented from Kant's perspective, taking into account the particularities of this author. The study concludes with a final section comparing the two authors, highlighting the divergences between them and considering their respective contexts of thought.
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